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And much


The continuous research of design and trends, decades of experience, together with our know how allows us to offer our clientele a unique and customized product.

We offer technical assistance, supply of ceramic printing components as well as their maintenance for all the current printing systems.

Creation of three-dimensional shapes and objects on demand working with a wide variety of materials and different finishes.


3D project gallery

the beginning of the group

Poligraph is a company with a strong background, leader for over 40 years in the Ceramics printing sector in Fiorano Modenese, Italy. Today, Poligraph continues its journey along the creative research paths and cutting edge technology.

Poligraph's entrepreneur soul begins its international expansion with Iberpoligraph, strongly supported by their product promotion and services within Spain.


Furthermore, the demands in the American market have consolidated our presence within this region with PoligraphUSA, providing service to the South and Central America producers.



Ctra. Vila-real - Onda, Km 3 -  Polígono Industrial Argenta, Naves 9/10

Apdo 414 - 12540 Vila-real, Castellón - Spain

Phone (+34) 964 506 750  -  Fax: (+34) 964 500 088


Ceramic design and printing area:

3D project area:


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© 2022 IberPoligraph / Ctra. Vila-real - Onda, Km. 3 - Polígono Industrial Argenta - Naves 9/10 - 12540 Vila-real, Castellón - Spain Tel +34 964 50 67 50
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Iberpoligraph, SA, ha adquirido diversa maquinaria y tecnología a fin de optimizar sus procesos productivos, mejorar su capacidad de respuesta ante sus clientes presentes y futuros e incrementar su competitividad en el sector, sin olvidar su compromiso con el medio ambiente.

Este proyecto ha sido subvencionado por la CONSELLERIA DE ECONOMÍA SOSTENIBLE, SECTORES PRODUCTIVOS, COMERCIO Y TRABAJO dentro de la convocatoria de "Ayudas en Materia de Industrialización para Inversiones de Pymes Industriales que mejoren la Competitividad y Sostenibilidad del Sector cerámico, vidrio y materiales de construcción no metálicos, dentro de la quinta fase de Implantación del "Plan Estratégico de la economía valenciana", con el número de expediente INPYME /2022/610, siendo la cantidad de subvención de 22.688,86€ según resolución del DOGV/9393 del 28 de julio de 2022.
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